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Sunday 2 August 2015

American Civil War and Liverpool, England

I love reading 'local' papers in preference to the nationals. 
August is the time of year when editors tend to ask reporters to dig up something interesting. The Liverpool Echo has taken to doing that in abundance. Today, they published images of the hidden history of Liverpool.

Some of the images were well-known to me such as the brass Maltese cross let into the pavement on Church Street and the site of Liverpool Castle (demolished by order of Charles II). The former marks the site of St. Peter's Church altar. One of two parish churches of Liverpool. The other, St. Nicholas is still in evidence. 

But, Liverpool having a connection with the Confederacy, now that was a surprise.

19 Abercromby Square was built in 1864, later than other houses nearby. It was the home of a cotton trader by the name of Charles Kuhn Prioleau, naturalised Englishman from South Carolina. ,

If you follow the link, it ought to take you to images of the grand interior of 19 Abercromby Square.

Abercromby Square as the name suggests was built in the shape of a square. The houses surround a railed in area that used to be the park. Entrance was by key-holders only and was where the nannies used to promenade with their charges (children) of the wealthy bankers and merchants.

The cotton trading company was Fraser Trenholm & Co. Liverpool and Prioleau was the senior partner. There was a sister company, Charles Fraser, Charleston, South Carolina.
James Dunwoody Bulloch  arrived in Liverpool, charged with acquiring by whatever means with obtaining / building ships for the Confederacy. 

Details of the business conducted by Bulloch can be found here.

The offices of Fraser, Trenholm & Co. were in Rumford Place (nos 6.8 & 10). Plaques name the buildings Alabama House, Bulloch House and Charleston House to mark their connection with George Trenholm, John Dunwoody Bulloch and Charles K. Prioleau.

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