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Tuesday 5 January 2016

Another 12 months

Saw the G.P. and duly went thro' my 'shopping list' of queries. Usually when on repeat medication, there's a 6-monthly G.P. review. Fortunately for me, mine has now become 12-monthly. This means my prescriptions will continue to arrive electronically with the pharmacy and they can dispensing at 2-monthly intervals.

It is a sign of ageing but one that is easy to cope with. 

As I said, it was a new G.P. for me, and OH knows him well as he's had him for several years and gets on well with him.

Another problem of our creaky N.H.S. is that some areas have been taken over by companies that have a contract to provide G.P. services. They have medical centres but each has only one full-time G.P. From time to time there are temporary part-timers who arrive, stay for a few months then move on. 

Long gone are the days when a doctor knew a family from 'cradle to grave'.

Such is 'progress'.

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