musings (201) fun Monday (76) friendship (64) K9 (13)

Wednesday 30 December 2015

Farewell 2015

I am not going to miss you. In fact, I shall be heartily glad to consign you to the past.

How was 2015?

The sort of year you never want to repeat, at least my experience of it has left behind some not so good memories.

I spent from Dec. 2014 and all the way thro' 2015 recovering from major surgery (no details). Suffice it to say that December's op was life changing but at the same time the important part is staying alive to face the future.

Himself also had a major op (hip replacement) which went like clockwork as the saying goes. He went from as our American friends would say extreme pain 24/7 to being pain free. As another saying goes 'you can't see the join'. In fact the community care (district) nurse brought her colleague with her to confirm it and to discharge him from outpatient care.

Some happy parts of the year - coffee and friendly chats with neighbours. We even managed to go for a Chinese meal together. It had been delayed by one or more of us having ill health, but we did it. The three of us have our birthdays in November, December and January. Not good months to go out at night. In 2016 we will find another occasion to celebrate our birthdays no matter when. We like the Chinese restaurant. They have grown used to us and although we officially have a 'set' menu, they let us alter it according to our needs without any extra charges. Our blind friend tends to go there more often with different sets of people.

The three of us are still fund raising towards research into diabetic retinopathy. M & M do the sorting of donated goods and then the sales. I do anything that requires using technology.  We began by making craft goods to sell and it grew from there.

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