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Tuesday 19 March 2013


Took little 'bear' to see Michelle the vet this morning. Nothing too serious just what my friends in the 'Dog House' forum would term dire rear.
Little'n now weighs a respectable 13.8 kg. Bless her, she happily sat on the scales to be weighed and kept remarkably still.
We discussed what the cause of the problem might be and details of the dire rear. Then Michelle mentioned that they had food for 'sensitive' stomachs. She grinned when she saw the look on my face and suggested that old-fashioned might be better. 
Pups will be er pups and prone to trying out all sorts of things such as mosses, soil, paper, cardboard, not forgetting shoes!
There could be any number of causes for her tummy upset. So, we came home with worming granules to mix into food (to be on the safe side). A small container and scoop for 'samples' over three days (just in case).

Well, what's the old-fashioned thing? 

For the next 3 or 4 days...she'll be eating scrambled egg and chicken! 
A quick trip to the local supermarket and back again with a pack of eggs and another of chicken thighs and drumsticks (now boiled), leaving me with some chicken stock.
Ideas anyone?