musings (201) fun Monday (76) friendship (64) K9 (13)

Friday, 3 November 2023

New ways

 June 2023 GP asked for Consultation.

September 12th 2023 appt with Consultant #1

He said he'd write to another Consultant

Scan ordered - scan date 28th Sept.

18th October Consultant #2

November the wait goes on and on...

In the meantime, as per recommendation, bland diet, very restrictive


Raw vegetables or salad

Vegetables that may cause bloating such as onions, peppers, cauliflower, broccoli, and cabbage

Tomatoes and tomato-based products, e.g. passata, tomato pasta sauces

Dried fruits, e.g. raisins, prunes, apricots

Citrus fruits, e.g. oranges, lemons, grapefruit

Wholegrains or bran cereals, e.g. Weetabix, Bran Flakes, All Bran

Wholegrain bread, wholewheat pasta and brown rice

Spices and strong seasoning e.g. garlic, chilli or curry powder

Seeds and nuts

Tough fibrous meats e.g. steak

Smoked meats or fish

Fried or greasy foods including takeaway pizzas, fish and chips, high fat Chinese and Indian takeaway dishes

Caffeinated drinks

Sunday, 13 August 2023

August yet not august

 Sometimes months become known for events. This August has become a month of loss.

Genealogy dates  the loss of my Great great Grandmother soon after the loss of her new-born daughter. Then there are two birthdates, one for Neville and the other for Doris. Bringing to the fore remembrance of loss.

Moving on to 2023 and the chasm that has opened up with the final departure of Becky.

"She was an amazingly clever woman who fought so hard to live as normal a life as possible. Always witty, talented in so many ways, sharing her life with us here on Facebook."

Becky with Katinka, constant and much-loved companion.

Thursday, 23 February 2023


In 1911, the RMS Titanic was launched. Lowestwood Mill, Linthwaite was so large; it became known as the Titanic.

Just as the valleys of East Lancs., became known for cotton and whose mills dominated the, the West Riding of Yorks. was dominated by woollen mills.

Either side of the Pennines, labourers with transferable skills. 

Shawcar Mill


Titanic Mill

Lane Top, Linthwaite
1861 census

Typical 'mill' family

Mother, widow, age 43

Sons age 15, 13 and 11


Burler - removes loose threads, knots, and other imperfections from cloth

Feeder - feeding through yarns

Piecer - joining together of pieces or threads

Mill Hand - general labourer

More details