musings (201) fun Monday (76) friendship (64) K9 (13)

Wednesday 3 January 2018


Side gate with uneven path

Double gateway

Someone else can care for all that grass!

Wondering what new owners or developers will do?

Photo designed to make rooms appear larger.

Time for a clear out.

1932 bungalow part of linear suburban development. 

One family owned the property until 2018. Four sons raised there, each went their separate ways.

One moved to South Africa
Eldest now lives in the S.E. having moved nearer to grandchildren.
Another was in the police force and died in the 20th century.
Finally, the youngest brother, the one that could not bear to part with this dwelling...has had decision-making taken out of his hands.
Eldest brother, probably egged on by domineering wife, sent nephew up north to get rid of the place.