musings (201) fun Monday (76) friendship (64) K9 (13)

Saturday 31 March 2012

Open Uni

And the Result...
Oh Yes!!!

Wednesday 28 March 2012


is shopping day and sometimes time to top up with fuel.
Having made our purchases and put them in the car we went for fuel. Something was not quite right.
Usually there are four lines of traffic and an 'express' lane. Today there was one lane plus the 'express' and notices saying 'no unleaded petrol'. 
The lady in front pulled up at the pump, got out and went to the cashier, then came back. By now OH was topping up with diesel. So, lady made a point of telling him 'did you know there's no fuel here'? I could not keep my face straight as he told her, 'It's okay, they have diesel'. A most perplexed lady got back in her car and left. 
On the way home we passed another filling station with a queue of traffic waiting on the road to get on the forecourt and go to the pumps. A while later OH went out again and on his return said that that filling station was now closed.

(Reuters) - The government urged the public to fill up with petrol on Wednesday ahead of an impending strike by tanker drivers that could see stocks run dry, but was branded irresponsible by petrol retailers who said the government was creating a crisis.

Tuesday 27 March 2012


of a 'conversation' elsewhere...
One of the enduring delights of retirement is to throw out work clothes and never purchase or wear their like ever again.
I remember OH getting rid of his sports jackets and boxed shirts. Work-wear was to look smart in sports jacket, trousers, shirt and tie (double Windsor).
Now he's happy to don denim trousers, t-shirt, sweatshirt or sweater.

When I first started at work women were not allowed to wear trousers except as a trouser suit. If the weather was inclement and you wore boots, they had to be taken off at work and proper shoes put on. A member of the management team told another newcomer that if she could not afford shoes a temporary loan might be had to purchase some!

How happy was I when the dress code was relaxed to include 'smart' trousers. Wearing trousers was preferable and more convenient. 

In the early days I often used to make my own clothes.

Friday 23 March 2012

Spring forward this weekend?

Or, more precisely...
Let's go an hour ahead of GMT...

Seems Mother Nature is thinking even further ahead if these images are anything to go by...
Daffadowndilly looking a picture in subtle yellows
Camellias are almost over, only a few buds left to flower.
White star-shaped scilla
Bring on the magnolias...

Wednesday 14 March 2012

What a day for...

finishing off an assignment and treating myself to a dose of relaxation...

OH has got gardening 'fever' hardly anything that can be pruned has escaped being 'scalped'.
We have a recycling collection fortnightly. The last was last Friday. Hey ho! OH has already filled one of the bins to the brim. Fortunately, we have two or three, three if you count next door and 'more' if you include other nearby neighbours. He's also mown the lawn and applied feed and weed. The onion bed has been planted, but according to M, OH has also planted some shallots (groan). Here was me thinking blissfully 'no more shallots'. They are a 'pain' requiring 'topping and tailing' as well as peeling. I thought with my passive resistance I'd convinced him not to grow any this year.

So, as a reward for getting on with my eTMA I shall treat myself to some knitting and perhaps some crochet.

Tuesday 13 March 2012

Three years ago

a lovely, bubbly, delightfully out-going friend...
Our 'briilant' NHS failed her. She'd been sent as the saying goes 'from pillar to post'. Appointments had been made, only to be cancelled again and again. In the meantime dear Liz struggled with everyday life and hoped 'they' would make her better.

Then, the operation was scheduled on Friday 13th March. Dearest Liz went for her operation and it was then that we lost her...

RIP my dear friend.

What a silly illustration? But one my dear friend would have appreciated so well.