Rising late after a lie-in is a luxury much to be enjoyed especially when Morpheus allows sleep.
Finding 7 nearly 8 month old 'puppy' has destroyed one of a pair of someone's newish shoes is not a nice discovery.
Pleasantly off-set by feeding the birds and noticing that the wisteria is coming into flower. Hayfever 'be damned' the perfume from wisteria is a joy to the senses.
Feeding the goldfish in their recently 'seen to' pond is another morning task. Spent ages the other day taking apart and cleaning pumps, hoses and filters in the on-going Summer battle against pond weed. I rarely watch the fish, suppose I ought to, but I do enjoy the plashing of the waterfall. According to Feng Shui water should flow towards the home, and ours does.
Yesterday, I did some online shopping for cinnamon tabs, feverfew, Devil's claw to name but three. Why? you might ask. Guessing it's because most people have 'baggage' left to them by their parents. If you had a mother that had been brought up to use herbal remedies, and as a child had been taken to see a herbalist, fed various herbal tonics 'to do you good' it might go some way to accounting for using herbal 'medicines'.
When you are brought up on local tales such as Peg O' Nell and Dule upo' Dun and the area for miles around is alive with tales of boggarts and suchlike, a child imbibes myths and legends from an early age. Being read tales at bed-time about 'Why the sea is salt', what happened to poor Peg embeds a desire to read and to learn more. Later, that child learns that some of the tales have roots in history of the area.
That most famous historie being of the
Witches of Pendle
For another take of the story, I recommend the 'Spooks' books by Joseph Delaney. Not only are they well written, authoritative the author is a retires teacher of English. Needless to say, I have a collection of his Wardstone Chronicles on my e-reader.