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Friday, 28 April 2017


...that 'necessary' process when osteoarthritis has been declared.

Musculoskeletal Assessment ''Service'' which in old 'money' is physiotherapy.

Begins with GP referral which is both frustrating and laughable.

Form duly completed by me at the surgery and left for processing. Feb. 3rd

Nothing heard from MCAS until Feb. 28th

Letter informing / instructing me to phone up and make appt.

Then all went pear-shaped.

Person on other end said I'd been taken off the referral list because I had not replied within the fortnight!

Obviously MCAS have a different time-zone.

Letter dated 22nd Feb. received 28th Feb, post-marked 27th Feb - go figure! 

Eventually after much argy-bargy I was given an appt April 10th which turned out to be 45 mins of 'grilling' going thro' a long drawn-out form on computer. Followed by another appt. on April 24th. The later was more ridiculous...trying to get someone the osteoarthritis to do moves as tho' there is no deformity of the hip and no pain. 

Then she added insult to injury by talking thro' recommended exercises and providing me with booklets even tho' I already had downloaded them. Make another appt. for three weeks time? I offered to bow out, but she was insistent.

I am far from sanguine about the outcome...