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Saturday, 10 January 2009


It's been over a month and another year since my last posting (slapped wrist). But when everything seems to be problem and technology decides to become uncooperative there's not much to be done.
Add onto that the being a tad unwell situation and most things go by the board. Have no idea which winter 'plague' decided to lay me low nearly a week ago; but I wish it would leave me alone.
Now adding insult to injury, my lower back has decided to add itself to my list of aches and pains.
Back to the pain meds (scuse the pun)

1 comment:

wendishness said...

Ouch, sounds like you've really been through some nasty stuff lately. Hope you're starting to feel better though.

I must say I love the new look of the blog, great minds think alike, I've just used similar colours on my new blog.