musings (201) fun Monday (76) friendship (64) K9 (13)

Wednesday 29 April 2009

missing out

Missed out on this week's Fun Monday because of lacking internet access Doh!
21st century hasn't reached far-flung Cornwall and they are supposed to 'go digital' from beginning of July?
Peacefulness and tranquillity abound, manana is too fast in comparison to the Cornish 'drekkly'.
There are NO wi-fi spots for miles around!

Cell phone 'coverage' is a joke. Check it out the coverage is at best negligible.

Mobile broadband? Go figure!

Hence, laptop left at home, cell phone switched off unless I travel to somewhere with coverage.

Amusing to watch people wandering in search of phone signal. Feeling helpful, I say 'try up the lane, or up the hill'. The look on the face has to be seen to be believed.
Am only being truthful...

Along the lane, past the cottage, stand in the next gateway by the wall and you'll get a signal. Climb Richard's hill and the signal is stronger.


Shelley Heath said...

I think I would prefer the beautiful surroundings to being wired to the 21st century. Enjoy the peace and quiet.

Anonymous said...

Peacefulness and tranquillity abound, manana is too fast in comparison to the Cornish 'drekkly'.The Cornish 'drekkyly' sounds much like the Darwin 'drekkly' - rocks at times, it does.

joanygee said...

ty for commenting guys