musings (201) fun Monday (76) friendship (64) K9 (13)

Monday, 3 May 2010

Fun Monday up close

Sayre hosts Fun Monday!
It's a photo challenge - I want to see your pet(s) up close and personal...

When Harry met Lady...

So, let's start a while ago, when Zaq was small and only a few weeks old.

Favourite girlie 'Lady' by name and by nature...

closer, come closer!

Oh am tired...yawn!!!

Just look at me now...all grown up


Jan said...

Wonderful close-ups. Love the last one.

Jan n Jer said...

Just look at those eyes...seems to be saying pet me pet me!!

Debs said...

I adore the eyes!!! Great pics of great doggies. :)

Gattina said...

Beautiful dog !
You know there are lots of people having cats and dogs together, they get used when they raise a kitten for example. My neighbours dog a huge Bernese Mountain dog loves my four cats ! Arthur even walks under him when it rains, lol !

Anonymous said...

What a sweet little thing! (even though he's huge now!)

Sayre said...

OH, he is GORGEOUS!!! I love dogs that look like that - somehow so friendly looking. Thanks for playing!

Pamela said...

I gotta say those eyes are the best photo of all. There is something there -- draws me in.

Living Life said...

Beautiful dog! I love the puppy shot and the eye shot!

Faye said...

I hope there's room for this girl in the caravan! She is such a noble dog. And what a friendship--lucky Harry-just like in the movie. :-)

joanygee said...

Thank you everyone for your most kind comments (smile).
If it was up to me I'd have dogs and cats, but for himself it has to be dogs only.

Sandy said...

He is absolutely beautiful.