musings (201) fun Monday (76) friendship (64) K9 (13)

Sunday 27 May 2012


Spent time with a friend yesterday who announced researching into 'age' and when did I think people became old? Then, went on to announce that according to modern research 42 is the start of being old.
I bit my lip and did not make any acerbic comments. After all I do not consider myself to be old...okay I am older than some people but not 'old' per se.
This led me to remembering a conversation about how lucky one of my family felt to have grown old in the 20th century. Born in 1902, she had noticed women in particular being old before their time.
By the time someone was in their 30s they'd wear black. My relative revelled in being able to wear bright colours all her life.
She'd lived thro' some desperately hard times. Her husband had been in WWI. But, all he'd ever say about it was that the reason why he smoked a pipe was that the queues were shorter.

Returning to the idea of 'ageing'...42 is definitely not Old, nor 50 some-things...
Ageing tends to become apparent once you turn 60 but definitely not Old yet...

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