musings (201) fun Monday (76) friendship (64) K9 (13)

Saturday 23 February 2013


is the day for Taijiguan; one of the highlights of the week. Only lasts an hour, but the impact lasts and lasts.
Years ago I went to the gym on a regular basis for several years, then two things intervened. The gym started charging extra for things that had been inclusive and this on top of the regular membership fees made it too expensive. 
Then, there was shingles. Mine was not diagnosed soon enough although I was convinced that shingles was the problem. Hence, I am prone to recurring bouts of shingles pain. What can you take for it? Nothing has much impact on it at all. Shingles rash lasted 6 months, the pain continued. That put an end to gym membership.

Taijiguan takes place in a local community centre and the group varies in size with some attending more regularly than others. We have two tutors and they have different ways but it's always enjoyable. 

Here is a graceful version of what we attempt. The movements are slow, gentle with the emphasis on balance. Another key is to be relaxed with no tension anywhere. 
The after effects? Circulation - zinging from top to toe. Mind quietened and at peace for an hour remains quieter for a while with no intrusive thoughts. A sense of well-being remains.


Joy said...

It sounds wonderful and I'm glad it helps so much.
J x

Sayre said...

That looks like my Taoist Ta'i Chi. I took classes for about a year and loved it - but cost became an issue for me (not that they increased, but the amount of money coming in was reduced). I really would like to get back to that! And you're right - the circulation is humming and the muscles get a workout too. But gently.

joanygee said...

The benefits of this gentle exercise make it worth doing. It costs less than a cup of coffee per class.