musings (201) fun Monday (76) friendship (64) K9 (13)

Friday, 19 February 2016

Lawks a mercy

Sometimes it does my blood pressure a world of no good to read some of the proliferation of posts on social media.

Blame it on a grammar school and university education. No, I do not expect everyone to write with authority on whatever subject. But, I would like it if people were their own editors and did not willy-nilly share anything and everything. 

I suppose it is my fault for continuing to read a long involved nebulous posting about a particularly serious topic. 

Nor ought I to take much heed of morning 'news' programmes which instead of making appropriate use of in-house political correspondents (London-based) - send a general factotum type wally to stand outside Parliament with a microphone and cameraman.

The other so-called 'news' topic that 'got to me' was this mythological idea that feckless 'millennials'  blame 'baby-boomers' for the world today!

Hooray for Tai Chi and the weekly opportunity to work my way thro' some of the 'old form'. 
Guaranteed relaxation with mindfulness and exercise. Not forgetting the before and after chat in the group.

Only 8 today, must be the 'Half term effect' when grandparents take charge of grandchildren instead of doing Tai Chi. Hopefully, it'll get back to normal next week.

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Times change...

Time to post a few images now that this place has been raised to the ground.

Saturday, 6 February 2016

Chen style

Apart from an enforced break for part of last year, I like to go to Tai Chi weekly. One group is composed mostly of ladies of a 'certain age'. We're a friendly, chatty bunch and meet up to socialise almost as much as for Tai Chi training.

I must have been practising Tai Chi for some four or five years, am not sure which. However, there was an enforced hiatus from November 2014 to April 2015. Only in the last two weeks have I resumed going twice a week.

The tutor(s) are the same for both, but other group is far more professional / serious.

Friday's group - meet up for a chat before the tutor arrives One of the ladies brings a CD-player and our movements are practised to gentle background music. At the end we have another chat them go our separate ways.

Saturday morning is far more business-like and the group is mixed. A few of the more advanced practitioners do two sessions one after the other. Some day I might, just might end up joining in both sessions. Before things went pear-shaped in Nov. 2014 I was well on my way to doing just that.

Happily, Tai Chi teaches patience...

It's an unusual situation, Friday's group are progressing by adding to the frame moves. Saturday's group has more beginners, we're revisiting the opening moves of the 'Old frame'.

Six stages of learning

  • First stage is xue jiazi or "learning the frame". 
  • Second stage is known as lien xi jiazi or "practising the frame". 
  • The third stage is nie jiazi or "correcting the frame". 
I think that's the stage I'm at for several parts of the frame.
"The student must be patient as every aspect of their body, movement and posture is carefully rearranged - drop your elbows, relax your shoulders, push out more with your hands" 

Finishing on a lighter note...
This weekend there are celebrations for the Chinese New Year.
We're entering the Year of the Monkey or as some Australian wit would have it the Year of the Tasmanian Devil.

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Shopping took longer then expected

Occasionally, we make a trip to Warrington shopping. Not the mad busy shopping centre but to one of the trading estates followed by a cheaper supermarket.

What a good thing I keep puzzle books in the car to occupy myself. I certainly needed it today. Instead of quick-in and quick-out the time dragged on. No problem as I was busy with my puzzles until I began to feel cold. It was a miserable grey day with rain and gusting winds. Eventually, I gave in and moved to the driver's seat, started the car and began to warm myself up.

When he arrived, it became apparent there'd been ordering difficulties.

The way home was also unusual. There are massive roadworks involving a new interchange, so you never know which routes will be closed and have to be ready for diversions. Having successfully navigated that part we came to a halt not far from home. No vehicles were moving in either direction apart from those turning round to go the opposite way. The long stretch of road between two main junctions had been emptied of traffic. Leaving plenty of room for the fire services and obligatory police presence.

Gone are the days when no matter what happened, the flow of traffic was maintained.

Checking social media, there's no reports of the incident. Hoping the fire & rescue service will post something tomorrow.

We did not have long to wait, the fire was out when we arrived at the queue. 

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Torr Top Tunnels

New Mills is a remarkable place for its setting apart from anything else. This Derbyshire town is near Stockport. It is in the valley of the river Goyt at the confluence of the Goyt and the Sett. Words do not give it justice.

Typical of Derbyshire towns in the North of that county, the town was built from Millstone Grit.

Fast-flowing rivers were harnessed to power mills in the 19th century. The rivers pass thro' a gorge called the Torrs. Today it is a riverside park and includes a small hydro-power scheme. The deep gorge is breath-taking and is sometimes used by climbers.

I love making connections, some historical, others geographical and on occasion social. 

WWI Belgium is known for the extensive trench system. What can be the link between WWI and a town in Derbyshire?

War diary

16 Dec 1917 - Torr Top Tunnels and Forrestor Camp Battalion moved into the TORR TOP TUNNEL SYSTEM and relieved the 17th Bn. Kings Liverpool Regiment. The Battalion entrained at FUZEVILLE at 12.15 p.m. and detraining at MANOR HALT at 1.30 p.m. Relief complete at 3 p.m. Battalion details were accommodated at FORRESTOR CAMP under command of Captain W.Hobbs [Wilfred HOBBS, MC]. 1 O.R. accidentally wounded.

In WWI the trenches and tunnels were named after local places.

Torrs river and mill

Millennium walkway