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Wednesday 3 February 2016

Torr Top Tunnels

New Mills is a remarkable place for its setting apart from anything else. This Derbyshire town is near Stockport. It is in the valley of the river Goyt at the confluence of the Goyt and the Sett. Words do not give it justice.

Typical of Derbyshire towns in the North of that county, the town was built from Millstone Grit.

Fast-flowing rivers were harnessed to power mills in the 19th century. The rivers pass thro' a gorge called the Torrs. Today it is a riverside park and includes a small hydro-power scheme. The deep gorge is breath-taking and is sometimes used by climbers.

I love making connections, some historical, others geographical and on occasion social. 

WWI Belgium is known for the extensive trench system. What can be the link between WWI and a town in Derbyshire?

War diary

16 Dec 1917 - Torr Top Tunnels and Forrestor Camp Battalion moved into the TORR TOP TUNNEL SYSTEM and relieved the 17th Bn. Kings Liverpool Regiment. The Battalion entrained at FUZEVILLE at 12.15 p.m. and detraining at MANOR HALT at 1.30 p.m. Relief complete at 3 p.m. Battalion details were accommodated at FORRESTOR CAMP under command of Captain W.Hobbs [Wilfred HOBBS, MC]. 1 O.R. accidentally wounded.

In WWI the trenches and tunnels were named after local places.

Torrs river and mill

Millennium walkway

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