musings (201) fun Monday (76) friendship (64) K9 (13)

Sunday 7 May 2017

May she will stay as in Simon and Garfunkel

Unusual weather seems to have become the norm. North-South airstreams more typical of Winter than of Spring. They continue because of high pressure systems lining up one after another.

This fine but chilly weather has brought on an outbreak of gardening. The grass has had several haircuts already. I say grass as one area is lawn, but the other round the fruit trees could nay would never be a lawn.

Then there's the venerable greenhouse, transported having been disassembled long ago from the garden in N.E. Lancs and reassembled here.

With Spring comes growth and there's the remnants of a privet hedge in a back corner that needed attention. Out came the extension leads and hedge-trimmer. Large garden collection bin filled brim-full and beyond. Not forgetting to give the berberis canadesis shrub a short back and sides.

Next came a visit to the local Garden Centre. We came back with tomato plants, Vermiculite and two new azaleas, a white and a rich purplish one.

Gardening has broken out in force. Wild garlic had invaded part of a flower bed. It was hard work, but it has been cleared.

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