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Thursday 9 September 2021

When advertorials replace news

 Naming no names, but a series reappeared on the box. It received an overtly enthusiastic 'welcome' in the media. Looking into the various items, it becomes apparent they are advertorials used to promote a recently published book.

I'll state my bias here and now. Having viewed earlier series (never live) always with captions, I'd forgotten how much a dislike the narrator and his voice.

Back to looking at the new episode 1 with a hasty mute followed captioning as I heard him speak.

Another pet hate is when anyone distorts history for their own purposes. Claiming someone was a lawyer, when in fact he was a solicitor paled into insignificance when further blunders appeared.

To claim that Leeds has never had earthquakes is to evidence a parlous lack if knowledge of that area. 

The area has had a series of earthquakes with several being reported in the local Press. Some caused by deep-shaft mining for coal. Others, by movements of the Craven Faults.

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