musings (201) fun Monday (76) friendship (64) K9 (13)

Saturday, 24 October 2009

who was who

Latin -Miss Mills and briefly Mr Walker aka Ducky
English - Miss Kippax Mrs Davies Mrs Tyson Miss Helm aka omelette
Maths - Miss Haslam (horizontal striped dress on her portly frame)also attempted to teach tennis - back stroke like a golf swing... Mrs Kaye lovely lady, never taught me; but opened her home once a week to share her love of music with sixth formers (opera, tea n biscuits)member of Huddersfield Choral Society, Manchester Philharmonic Society; husband taught Maths at CRGS boys school
Music - the inimitable Charlie Myers Fellow of the Royal Schools of Music (more mouth move-ment)
French - Miss Shackleton Mr Moss (form tutor U4 alpha)Mrs England (formerly teacher of the deaf)
Physics - Miss Hetherington lovely lady, encouraged saving with Yorkshire Penny Bank
Chemistry - Mr Brown (you there, Girl)cream - scum that rises to the top
Biology - Miss Bottomley best topic most useful for GCE was life story of a spider
Domestic Science - Mrs Forster - dictated instructions - how to iron handkerchief!
History - Miss Kate Glisbey (Sixth form tutor 6G)
Geography - Miss Rawes (my inspiration)

A rant is called for

Pendle Hill
'HALLOWE'EN revellers are being advised not to head for Pendle Hill next Saturday.
The hill will be closed to fairground rides, mobile catering units and parked cars from 5 p.m. to 3 a.m. on Saturday, October 31st'.

Remembering the times when Pendle was a quiet as the grave, especially on All Hallows, today's revellers seem intent on ruining Hallowe'en. Am 'beside myself' with anger at anyone defiling Pendle.
By all means party on in your homes, pubs n clubs AND LEAVE PENDLE ALONE.

'When witches fly on a cold winter's night
We won't tell a soul, but we'll bolt our doors tight.'

Friday, 23 October 2009


Autumn brought news of times past. Sad news of one of my former teachers who has died aged 82.
This led to reminiscences of school days, 1960s, 1970s, junior and grammar schools.
Junior school where dinners were cooked centrally at a local secondary school and delivered by van. Teachers ate in the tiny staff room, the Hall was used by pupils and overseen by martinet dinner ladies. In the last year, I was given the responsibility of serving lunch to the teachers...
Each day, Linda and I arrived early to do 11+ practice tests before giving out hymn books for morning assembly. The rest of Miss Astley's class did their 11+ practice while we collected in and stacked away the books in their cupboard. How different school was! We were expected to remain silent and were given stars at the end of the day to reward us.
Needlework/ embroidery was taught to the girls and our reward in the Summer Term was for a small group to spend the afternoon doing embroidery in the company of the Headmistress in her office.