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Thursday, 2 December 2010

2nd Dec

Shopping accomplished, wintry sunshine, frosty with scant snow.

News headlines focus on 'snow problems' but then media remain homed in on SE and NE England and Scotland. Some 7000 schools closed, rail journeys affected, airports closed...but Not Here!
Yes, the Pennines have snow and traditional routes - Woodhead Pass, Snake Pass and Cat 'n Fiddle are closed, So too are the snow gates between Brough and Bowes (Cumbria).
Friends living in Rochdale have another day off work. But, our area in the lee of the Welsh Mts is sheltered. There's about 1/4 inch of snow so 'business as usual'. Roads and pavements are clear of snow.
Twitter showed the Open University have a virtual Advent Calendar, so I had a look. Today's post asks 'did you know no two snowflakes are alike?'

NORAD have their 2010 Santa Tracker up and running - another 'must visit'.


Living Life said...

So you had some snow. It is cold enough here to snow. They say we may get some flurry's over the weekend.

Thanks for the link to the Santa Trackker. I will show it to my kids. They will love it!

Stay warm!

joanygee said...

Thank you for stopping by. I love the Santa tracker hope your kids enjoy it too.