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Friday, 3 December 2010

3rd Dec

Friday! Refuse collection day. Once a fortnight we put out the recycling bins as well as the usual household bin. A bit trickier today as it was a hard frost last night -6C.
Places further inland had it much colder...Woodford was down to -14C.
Met Office
"There is a risk of severe weather affecting parts of England and Wales."
So, our severs weather? Frost not snow...

I put salt on the back-doorstep last night so it was a bit safer this morning.

OH is a 'star' in this weather...protective in the nicest way...letting me stay toasty warm indoors whilst he did the bins for us and our neighbours.

M next door is going to have new double-glazing fitted. When she bought her place, she was told all windows needed replacing so 2-years later having saved up she's booked a local firm to do the 'necessary'.  Hope the weather improves and they doo a good job for her. Doubtless OH will be invited to supervise.

On the opposite side H is in residence, and he loves having a wood fire burning brightly. He's been burning some of the Yew OH felled.


Jan n Jer said...

Your weather is on the news here in the USA, looks like a cold and frozen scene. Our temps are in the 30's for the high, so its getting colder n colder here. Stay warm!!!

Faye said...

Love how the neighborhood bands together when the weather turns severe.

Is that cute Santa a "handmade by Joan"?

joanygee said...

Hi Faye he's a cute Santa isn't he! No not made by me but made for me by my neighbour (registered blind). She made him from memory, didn't she do a wonderful job!
Hi Jan Yes we've got temperatures below freezing, but we're lucky being near the coast as we tend to escape the worst weather. The time/temp on my blog says 32F now. Wonder how low it'll go overnight.