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Saturday 28 September 2013

Mind - the gap

Throughout studies with the OU, by choice I followed science courses. Until then apart from geography and environmental studies I lacked science qualifications with the exception of biology. Sciences 'called' to me, dare I open the door and step across the threshold?

Well, I did and years of science courses came and went. The introductory science course was a cornucopia of biology, chemistry, physics and earth science. I passed and went on the Summer School at Herriot Watt, Edinburgh. 

I also dabbled in technology and maths. My old maths teacher probably began spinning in her grave as the saying goes. 

Success! The tutor was a delight and the course captured my imagination. Finding out about the maths behind rainbows and air bags in cars. Mustn't forget to mention the programmable calculator that also kept me on course. I even bought a book on algebra and another about Pi to read at leisure. Maths had been demystified and conquered.

Next I kept to Earth Sciences (feeling at home there). But, chemistry reared its ugly head, another monster to fight. Short course 'Molecules, medicine and drugs'. Once again the OU made the subject interesting and accessible. Chemistry 'demon' vanquished,

For various reasons including a need to choose EMA end of module assignment in preference to an exam. Psychology beckoned...

The courses were challenging, but I'm glad I did them...

So, what about this year?

Bring on a trip to the dark side. 'Worlds of English'.

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