musings (201) fun Monday (76) friendship (64) K9 (13)

Thursday, 4 February 2010

The Church Lady hosts Fun Monday

How do you beat the doldrums when you are stuck in the house either because it is too cold or too hot outside? Do you read? Cook? Complete a home improvement project? Watch movies? Scrapbook? Please share your ideas.

Cold weather as we had recently (January) in the UK makes me want to hibernate. Short days, frosty surfaces make me disinclined to go anywhere unless 'needs must'.
This is when online chats in Plurk help raise my spirits. I'd be lost without connection to the Internet. Swopping banter with people far and wide, comparing winter experiences.

In recent years I've found myself less able to tolerate extremes. So, when summer temps rise into the late 20s even early 30s centigrade you'll find me indoors with the fan switched on. No aircon in most homes here, but an optional extra in some vehicles.

Contentment comes with simple pleasures...sitting with laptop browsing, blogging whilst the dogs snooze by my side.
It's still winter, but it's one of those rare days, windless, cold, but not bittely cold so the windows are open. Himself busy in his workshop pottering around. The noise of tapping in nails floats thro' the open window as he makes a nestbox for the garden.


karisma said...

I have not been on Plurk for ages. I think I would have to hibernate too if it snowed here. I don't like the cold too much, although its lovely sitting in front of the fire in winter.

Pamela said...

yes... it is very easy to get on line and spend time with virtual friends.

(I miss having a dog snooze by my side!)

Ingrid said...

I don't know where you live in the UK, but apparently we are sitting in the same boat concerning the weather (in Belgium) and also the computer and internet, lol !
I couldn't imagine my life today without it ! I wonder what I did until my 62 years ? The year I started blogging. I must have been bored to death !

Sayre said...

I would love to live in your climate - Actual seasons! When I visited my grandmother in Wales the last time, she had the windows cranked open - and NO SCREENS! I was amazed. You would never do that in Florida or you'd be over run with mosquitoes, beetles, moths, gnats and roaches. I think that's one reason I love winter here - at least the bug population goes way down.

I also love socializing on the internet! I don't Plurk, but I do FaceBook. I've managed to reconnect with people from the distant past, which has been a lot of fun!

Anonymous said...

Romping thru links!! What a great thing to do, when you can't get out. There's some weird stuff out there. I can't get on plurk anymore...I forgot my password.

Jill said...

WE REALLY can't have the windows open! Brr! It would be nice if the neighbors would quit leaving the outside doors open as it is. It's barely breaking the freezing mark, which would be 0 centigrade, I think. 32 Fahrenheit.

I dont know what plurk is, but I agree that sometimes just browsing the internet is just as good as anything else!

Jan n Jer said...

The cold weather also makes me want to hibernate...the internet is a great way to stay engaged and entertained. Thanks for sharing and Happy FM

Faye said...

Thank goodness for the internet. How it cures cabin fever all over the world! We can be up to our knees in snow and still chat with friends. Love it.

Living Life said...

I could spend hours surfing the net and blogging. It is a wonderful way to pass the doldrums! I have never tried Plurk though.

Debs said...

I like blogging too and spending time chatting with my friends on line.

joanygee said...

Thank you all for dropping by and leaving your very kind comments.

They are much appreciated.

Yes, Gattina the UK and Belgium have similar weather at times. Friends of mine live in Kinrooi (Kessenich).

How do you cope Sayre with all those creepy crawlies and flying insects!

It really is fun being able to connect with you and share Fun Mondays.

Thanks again, everyone.

gracie said...

blogging is fun, makes the day goes by fast. wish my kids would just sit quietly by me.