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Wednesday, 25 May 2011

mid week

and yet again we have been back to the quacks... OH received a phonecall asking him to come in to have a chat and BP check. So, we did our usual shopping, I left him at the surgery and went home put good away.
A short while later, I drove back to the surgery, parked up, got out a puzzle book and pen to pass the time.
Half an hour later OH joined me, none too happy with having been in 'there'. Now there's an acknowledged 'white coat syndrome' aka white coat hypertension... Both OH n I are prone to it...i.e. BP rises when in a white-coat environment.

If anything's guaranteed to raise BP it's this... Look at what neighbour was up to earlier!!!


Jan n Jer said...

Those photos would cause anyones BP to go sky high just watching.

Joy said...

Oh, my word!!!

J x