musings (201) fun Monday (76) friendship (64) K9 (13)

Thursday, 19 May 2011


word made by putting together 'mist' and 'drizzle'. Locally, in Cornwall it's referred to as the 'Fret' which is such a good descriptive word for those weather conditions.
The air is still, cold and damp. Land's End airport cancels all flights, so too do BI helicopters. The Isles of Scilly loses all air transport links with the mainland.

What has set me musing?
News reports this morning from Land's End. Visibility restricted by mizzle and people standing and getting soaked whilst every so often the plaintive note of Longships lighthouse could be heard.

Then OH laughed at the presenter in the studio and I couldn't believe my ears cos the presenter talked about hearing bells in the background!!!

Another reason not to be in Cornwall now; especially as the days when the Fret is in can turn into weeks on end. More precisely, there have been times when it has stayed in for months...

1 comment:

Joy said...

What a wonderful word - mizzle. We could do with some of it here, I can tell you!