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Wednesday 31 August 2016

Trying Times - never rains but it pours

Aug. 4th - TKR as in total knee replacement
Aug. 6th - Ward closed and patients discharged
Aug. 12th - DNA as in Did Not Arrive...Query...who DNA? District Nurse, naturally. 
Aug. 19th - District Nurse breezed in, changed wound dressing and breezed away having discharged patient...crossed off another list. 

Aug. 26th - physio appt. #1 - making good progress, come back next week.
Aug. 29th - FLOOD - rising main began weeping slowly and grew, and grew. Like having a stream flowing into the kitchen. Mains stop valve in pavement inaccessible having been covered in 2ft of tarmac. 
2 hours to excavate, but unable to turn off. 
Called United Utilities. 
Aug. 30th - 1.00 UU plumber arr. wrestled with valve, dreaded it breaking off - managed to turn off mains supply. 
Aug. 30th - spent the day making phone-calls and waiting. Waiting continued until guy arr. to assess situation. No water supply continues...t.b.a.
Aug. 31st - phone-call 10.45 - plumber arr. to reassess situation - long in-depth discussions. Plumber went having decided on action needed. No water...

Sept. 1st - hospital physio appt. #2

1 comment:

Joy said...

Oh, gosh, that was a month and a half, wasn't it? May September be kinder to you!
J x