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Sunday, 9 January 2011

a time for...

Awoke to find a bright sunny morning, birds singing and some visiting the feeder that hangs from the pear tree.
January has become a mixture of times past jostling for attention with the here and now.
Hopes and expectation prevalent in the first week of the year; now take a nose-dive. Two years ago now was the time to send birthday cards to two friends with birthdays in the second week of the month. Two years on and both are no more.
Next weekend is the birthday of a very cherished friend.
But that same weekend years ago brought my world crashing down...when a parent dies that memory burns into your very being.
So, I'm going to focus on those here and now, and lay painful memories to rest for another year.


Sayre said...

I haven't experienced that yet - both my parents are still here, but I know my MOM still misses her mother every day. Losing a loved parent must be very traumatic.

I hope your January is full of life and love, including remembering your loved one.

joanygee said...

Thank you Sayre, long may you enjoy your family.
I'll bounce back after next weekend, as I usually do. It's always tougher when days and dates coincide. I'm lucky that my close friend also has her birthday that weekend so I can try to focus on that instead.